Saturday, January 7, 2012

ACNA Prayerbook Task Force Report

In my December 8 post, below, about the timeline for the new Eucharistic liturgies for the Anglican Church in North America, I "wondered allowed" about what the two Eucharistic liturgies that the ACNA Task Force are preparing might look like.  I mentioned the idea of contemporary English and questioned if the 1979 BCP might play a role in the new Prayerbook.

However, a recent comment on that article by Robin G. Jordan (thanks Robin!) has pointed out that some of those questions can be answered (to a degree) by the "Initial Report of the Prayerbook and Common Liturgy Task Force of the Anglican Church in North America:  What the Guiding Principles of Christian Worship Should Be," which is available on the ACNA website.

Prior to Robin's comment, I had missed that report, and even after his comment, it took me a little while to find it.  However, having read through the report, I would suggest that anyone curious about the ACNA BCP, or anyone simply interested in Prayerbook worship should take the time to read through the report.  It is worth taking a look at.

And, since it took me a little while to find it, (exclusively for readers of this blog!) I will provide the link to the report, here!

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