Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Great Triduum

What a glorious Holy Week we have had! How meaningful to journey through the great Triduum.

On Maundy Thursday our community of faith gathered around the Table with Christ, the great Paschal Lamb who takes away the sin of the world.

On Good Friday we experienced the death of our Lord through the Tenebrae Service of darkness.

Early Easter morning we gathered around a fire to read through the mighty saving acts of God in continuity with the Great Easter Vigil, and then celebrated at the rising of the sun.

During our Easter worship, we had a wonderful time in the presence of our risen Lord. We sang and prayed. We heard the reading and proclamation of the the Word. I had the privilege of baptizing, and then we celebrated around the Table with our risen Lord.

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Hallelujah!

1 comment:

Katharine said...

It was a really tremendous time. I have never done that much "church" before in preparation for Easter and I worried that it would exhaust me, but it really was lovely. There is something in me that really responds to "ritual." I love traditions, I love looking forward to doing the same things year after year. I appreciate the symbolism of everything that happened. It helps me feel connected in a new way to Jesus.