Wesleyan-Anglican Society Constitution



of the


(As revised by vote of the Society, 1 March 2013)



Signifying this Society’s liturgical Anglican heritage and adherence to the theology of John Wesley and his successors, the name of this organization shall be the Wesleyan-Anglican Society; the acronym, WAS.



The Wesleyan-Anglican Society is an association of Methodist[1] Christians from various Wesleyan and Anglican denominations who understand themselves to be classically Wesleyan in theology and who embrace a classically Wesleyan-Anglican view of liturgy and the sacraments.



The Wesleyan-Anglican Society seeks:

  1. To provide a means of support, encouragement, and fellowship for those who seek to live out a fully Wesleyan understanding of the Christian faith, especially (but not exclusively) in connection with the liturgy of the Church of England as received by the various Wesleyan and Anglican denominations and the sacraments of the church catholic as understood by the same.
  2. To provide a means for Wesleyans and Anglicans all over the world to exchange ideas, experiences, and fellowship as it relates to the reclamation of a Wesleyan theological understanding of the Christian faith, a Wesleyan way of life, and a Wesleyan-Anglican expression of worship.
  3. To be a resource for the promotion of a more holistic Wesleyan understanding of the Christian faith for the churches and denominations within the Wesleyan-Anglican family; especially the promotion of a Wesleyan-Anglican expression of Christian worship.

ARTICLE IV. Discipline

Faithful to the original discipline of the Methodist Societies, the members of the Wesleyan-Anglican Society shall agree to live in accordance with the three “General Rules” originated in 1739 and as expressed in the various Wesleyan denominations.  (Be it noted that the General Rules contain more substantial content than may be apparent in the recent reduction of the Rules to “do no harm, do good, and stay in love with God.”)


In addition to the General Rules, and as a means toward living a Methodist way of life, the members of the Wesleyan-Anglican Society are strongly encouraged to mold their own lives after the following “Special Rules”: 


A.    Members should strive to faithfully pray the Daily Office of Morning and Evening Prayer as received by the various branches of the Wesleyan and Anglican movement through the historic liturgy of the Church of England.

B.     Members should seek to pray the Litany on Wednesdays and Fridays.

C.     Acknowledging the sound advice and importance of John Wesley’s sermon “The Duty of Constant Communion” members should at every reasonable opportunity partake of the most holy meal; Communion.

D.    Affirming our Savior’s call to “do this in remembrance of me” and John Wesley’s advise given in his Sept. 10, 1784 letter “To Dr. COKE, Mr. ASBURY, and our Brethren in NORTH-AMERICA,” that elders should “administer the Supper of the Lord on every Lord’s day,” members should promote the weekly celebration of the sacrament of Holy Communion on each Lord’s Day as part of the corporate worship of the church.

E.     Members should seek to “follow the Wesleyan Pattern of Prayer and Fasting, focusing on spreading the gospel of Christ Jesus through word, deed and sign” as encouraged by the World Methodist Council, by joining with Methodists in more than 130 countries who go without solid food after their evening meal each Thursday until mid-afternoon each Friday.[2]


ARTICLE V. Doctrinal Position

As a Society of wholly orthodox Christians, the Wesleyan-Anglican Society affirms the classic, ecumenical creeds of the catholic Church as received by our various denominations.


Seeking to be fully Methodist, the Wesleyan-Anglican Society affirms the historical Wesleyan Standards of faith, namely John Wesley’s standard Sermons on Several Occasions, his Explanatory Notes Upon the New Testament, along with the standard Articles of Religion as revised from the Thirty-Nine Articles of the Church of England.[3]


Further, in continuity with World Methodism, and as a means of expressing this Society’s desire to be affiliated with the World Methodist Council, the Wesleyan-Anglican Society affirms the “Wesleyan Essentials of Christian Faith” as adopted by the World Methodist Council.  (http://worldmethodistcouncil.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Wesleyan-Essentials.pdf )


As a means of expressing this Society’s desire to be affiliated with the newly formed Global Wesleyan Alliance, the Wesleyan-Anglican Society looks forward to any forthcoming doctrinal statement that may be affirmed by the GWA.


ARTICLE VI. Prayer Book

The Wesleyan-Anglican Society holds the 1662 Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England as well as John Wesley’s conservative revision of the same, The Sunday Service of the Methodists in North America, as the keystones and common progenitors of the liturgical traditions of the Wesleyan-Anglican families.


The Society embraces and commends the prayer book tradition of the Anglican Communion and its subsequent expressions in the wider Anglican and Methodist families.  As such, the Society acknowledges the various additions, revisions, and modernizations made by the various branches of the Wesleyan-Anglican family to the foundational prayer books.  Prayer books in the Wesleyan-Anglican tradition are a rich source for regular use in common prayer and worship.  Members of the society are encouraged to live and promote a prayer book culture of worship.


ARTICLE VII. Membership

Membership in the Wesleyan-Anglican Society is open to all who affirm the vision, purpose, discipline, doctrine, and prayer book standards of the Society as expressed in Articles II, III, IV, V, and VI above.


Membership in the Wesleyan-Anglican Society resides first in the Society, itself, and then in any local “classes” or “bands.”


Section 1 – Initial membership:

Persons become members of the Society by:

  1. Making intentional commitment to the Society in continuity with Article VII by affirming the vision, purpose, discipline, doctrine and Prayer Book standards of the Society;
  2. and Communicating the same in writing to the secretary.


Section 2 – Continued membership:

Making an annual renewal of the commitment to the Society in continuity with Article VII and communicating this renewal to the secretary is required to continue membership in the Society.


Section 3 – Charter Members:

All those whose membership in the Wesleyan-Anglican Society was initiated by May 24, 2013 (Aldersgate Day, 2013) shall be considered “Founding Members” of the Society.


Section 4 – Membership Dues:

  1. Membership dues shall be based on a yearly schedule with the year beginning on Aldersgate Day, May 24.  (Initial membership dues given prior to May 24, 2013, shall be considered to count through May 23, 2014.)
  2. Membership dues shall be determined on the recommendation of the Executive Committee and by vote of the full members of the Society.
  3. Members who do not pay their dues for two years without seeking a waiver shall be placed on an inactive list; they may be restored to active membership when dues for the current year and the immediate past year are satisfied. 
  4. Members who do not pay their dues without seeking a waiver for more than two years shall be removed from the membership list.  They may be reinstated as membership by following the procedures outlined in Section 1, above.
  5. The Executive Council shall have discretion in granting waivers for those whose financial situation makes payment of dues a hardship.


ARTICLE VIII. Governance

Section 1 – Elected Officers

  1. The following officers shall be elected by mail ballot to four-year terms, or until their successors are elected or assume office.  They may succeed themselves.
    1. President
    2. Vice President
    3. Secretary-Treasurer
    4. Promotion Officer
  2. Should a vacancy in any office occur, except for that of President, the Executive Council shall appoint a member to fulfill the unexpired term.
  3. In the event of the vacancy of the office of President, the Vice President shall assume those duties for the remainder of the term.


Section 2 – Election of Officers

A Nominating Committee shall nominate candidates for the four elected offices.  A ballot shall be prepared and distributed to members of the Society for vote.  (Initial nominations for initial officers shall be conducted on-line, on the Wesleyan/Anglican Facebook page, and shall be open to all who indicate an interest in being a part of the Wesleyan-Anglican Society.)


Section 3 – Appointed Officers

The President, in consultation with the Executive Council, may create or discontinue such appointed offices as may be necessary for the good of the Society.  They shall determine the method of selection of persons to hold these offices, their terms of office, and their duties and responsibilities.  Appointed Officers may serve on the Executive Council.


Section 4 – The Executive Council

  1. The Executive Council is composed of the elected and appointed officers of the Society (and, should the Society develop into smaller, regional, or local units of classes and/or bands, one duly elected representative from each regional body), and the immediate past President.
  2. The duties of the Executive Council shall be:
    1. To act in the interim between the annual meeting of the Society.
    2. To appoint a Nominating Committee consistent with Section 2, above.
    3. To assist the Vice President by serving as the Program and Arrangements

      Committee, in consultation with the President.

    1. To assist the Vice President in determining the time and place of the annual meeting, in consultation with the President.
    2. To direct the disbursement of funds, except for regular or routine matters.
    3. To review and approve the annual budget prepared by the Secretary-Treasurer.
    4. To annually review the amount of the membership dues.
    5. To appoint an eligible person from the membership to fill any vacancy that occurs in the offices or committees of the Society in the interim between terms, except that of the President.


Section 5 – Duties of the Officers

  1. The President shall:
    1. Perform such liturgical leadership[4] duties as needed at any meeting of the Society;
    2. Preside at all business meetings;
    3. Serve as chair of the Executive Council;
    4. Represent the general interests of the Society whenever possible;
    5. Make appointments according to Section 3, above;
    6. In consultation with the Executive Council, have authority to grant approval of the formation of classes and/or bands, and
    7. In concert with the Executive Council, interpret the Constitution of the Wesleyan-Anglican Society, especially Articles II-VII.


  1. The Vice President shall:
    1. Perform the duties of the President in the President’s absence or inability to serve; and
    2. Support the work of the appointed officers; and
    3. In consultation with the President and Executive Council, effect the planning, organization of any annual meeting of the Society;
    4. Undertake such other mutually agreed responsibilities as are designated by the President or the Executive Council.


  1. The Secretary-Treasurer shall:
    1. Maintain the records and properties of the Society;
    2. Collect dues and disburse its funds (disbursement of funds shall be at the direction of the Executive Committee, except for regular or routine matters);
    3. Prepare an annual budget and submit it to the Executive Council for approval;
    4. Present a fiscal report to the Executive Council (and made available to the members of the Society) annually.


  1. The Promotional Officer shall strive to increase the Society’s membership and promote the general interest of the Society, including attempting to make the Society’s presence known at the various general conferences/assemblies of those denominations represented in the membership of the Society.


ARTICLE IX. Meetings of the Society

It shall be a goal of the Society to conduct an annual meeting for the purpose of support, encouragement, and fellowship; to provide an opportunity for interchange of ideas and experiences, as well as theological underpinnings for a Wesleyan understanding of the Christian faith, a Wesleyan way of life, and a Wesleyan-Anglican expression of worship; and to share together in Christian worship.  -  The annual meeting shall also provide a setting to conduct the needed business of the Society.


ARTICLE X. Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Society in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws and any special rules of order the Society may adopt.


ARTICLE XI.  Amendments of the Constitution and Bylaws

Constitutional amendments may be proposed by the Executive Council or plenary session of the Society.  A two-thirds affirmative vote of the ballots returned from members in good standing shall be required for adoption.  To be valid, ballots must be returned within sixty days of initial mailing.


Bylaws may be adopted or amended by a majority vote of the Council and by a majority vote of the plenary session of the Society.

[1] The term Methodist is not intended as a reference to the United Methodist Church or any other particular World Methodist Council denomination (e.g., AME, AMEZ, Church of the Nazarene, CME, Free Methodist Church, or The Wesleyan Church).  Rather, it is being used as a synonym for Wesleyan and refers to those who seek to be Wesleyan in theology as well as live according to the General Rules of Methodism as expressed in the various Wesleyan/Methodist denominations.  Thus, the term is inclusive of individuals across a range of Wesleyan and Anglican denominations as well as other denominations.  The term Methodist was chosen over Wesleyan in order to make the clear connection with those writings of John Wesley which refer to “the people called Methodists.”

[2]Cf., http://www.worldmethodist.org/prayerandfasting.htm

[3] This statement does not imply that one may not affirm all 39 Articles.

[4] In the case that the President is not ordained as an elder (presbyter/priest), he or she shall appoint an elder to preside at the Table.

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