Monday, March 21, 2016

Methodism & the Church of England

Dr. Lester Ruth served as the keynote speaker at the recent inaugural meeting of the Wesleyan Liturgical Society at Point Loma Nazarene University.  (I hope to post more about he meeting in the near future.)  -  Dr. Ruth was my primary professor and my faculty mentor during my doctoral studies at Asbury Theological Seminary.  -  I hadn't had the chance to see him since I graduated back in 2007.

During his presentation, Dr. Ruth gave a great quote for us "Wesleyan-Anglican" types.  The quote is found in his book, Early Methodist Life and Spirituality, and comes from Leslie F. Church.  The quote is:

"Methodism is Church of Englandism felt."
Church was originally referring to early British Methodism, but I like it!

1 comment:

Freeborng said...

For an audio bicentennial tribute to West-Midlands, 18th-century British Methodist itinerant, Francis Asbury, please visit the website