Monday, August 18, 2014

Nazarene Call For Prayer For the Middle East

Earlier this month, the Board of General Superintendents of the Church of the Nazarene issued an episcopal call for prayer concerning the turmoil throughout the Middle East.  Specifically, the General Superintendents have called us to pray for the following concerns:

  • Pray for peace in Israel and the Palestinian Territories, for a just and lasting solution that allows all people to live with dignity and respect in the absence of violence. Pray for the comfort of those who have lost family members and friends.
  • Pray for peace in Syria, for an immediate end to the conflict, and for protection of human life. More than 100,000 people have been killed; there are 6.5 million internally displaced people in Syria and 2.5 million Syrian refugees who have fled to neighboring countries. Pray for their many needs to be met and for hope in the face of long-term displacement.
  • Pray for the persecuted church across the region that is in danger because of faith in Christ, that those who are oppressed would know the strength and courage that comes from fellowship with God. Pray that people of different faiths could live in peace with one another.
  • Pray for the protection of children throughout the region and for all people who have experienced trauma.
  • Pray for local churches that are working in partnership with Nazarene Compassionate Ministries (and other ministries and agencies) to alleviate suffering as they care for the vulnerable in volatile, insecure conditions
I want to encourage my fellow Nazarenes, and all of the readers of this blog to answer this call for prayer.

The full article can be found at this link.

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