I have made this a habit for years and find it to be an important part of my spiritual life. Though there have been occasions when I have been able to pray the Daily Office in a group, usually this is something that I do alone. - And yet, I am keenly aware that I am not alone. Rather, I am joined by sisters and brothers around the world and throughout time, from various traditions within the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.
Over the years, I have prayed using various versions of the Book of Common Prayer including the 1662, the 1928, the 1979, the ACNA version, and Wesley's The Sunday Service. This latter one is the version that I have most often used. - A link to each of these BCP versions can be found on the sidebar of this blog.
We are now in the beginning days of Lent. If the praying of the Daily Office is not a current practice for you, I want to encourage you to take it up during this Lenten season. - Perhaps you will find it to be as spiritually profitable as I have, as you join in the prayers of the People of God around the world and throughout history!
1 comment:
I've been using the BOCP for personal devotions for a few years now. Started off with the 1928 Episcopal, but switched to 1662 at Advent this (liturgical) year. Thanks for the link to the Wesley version - I've wanted to see that for a long time; didn't know it was available online.
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