Wednesday, August 1, 2018

New Small Group

It has been a long time since my last post, I know!  -  I am posting, now, to let you know about a new small group study that I will be starting in mid-August.  It will be divided into two sections, each lasting approximately five weeks, with a break between each section corresponding with the New Albany/Floyd County Schools’ Fall Break. 

The first half will focus on discovering John Wesley’s criteria for identifying Authentic Christian Worship and applying that to our day (a topic I have taught and written about on numerous occasions).
The second half will use Robert Webber’s Ancient-Future Worship video curriculum and will give us an idea of what authentic Christian worship looks like, as we look back to the Ancient Church in order to move into the future.
 Here is a video with more information.


Now, obviously, you do not have flyers to fill out, etc.  This video will actually be shown at a couple of churches in our area.  However, if you are in this area and would like to join the study, just comment, below.  In any case, your prayers for the study would sure be appreciated!

(Here is a link to the video on my Wesleyan/Anglican YouTube channel.)

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