Thoughts from a pastor who understands himself to be classically Wesleyan in theology and who embraces a Wesleyan/Anglican view of liturgy and the sacraments.
Tuesday, March 5, 2019
Methodist Unscripted
Many of you who follow conservative / orthodox Anglican news watch a podcast known as "Anglican Unscripted." You can actually get to it through my sidebar (which desperately needs to be cleaned up!). - Well, it seems that, following the special United Methodist General Conference 2019, Anglican Unscripted has done two presentation, unofficially called "Methodist Unscripted," where they have discussed the results of the General Conference. Readers of this blog may well be interested in these.
The second of the two videos includes a fellow "Wesleyan/Anglican," the Rev'd. Dr. Ryan Danker. That is to say, he is a member of the Wesleyan/Anglican group on Facebook, though he is not currently a member of the Wesleyan-Anglican Society. (Contact me, Ryan, if you want to become a member!) - Dr. Danker is also a fellow member of the Wesleyan Theological Society (sorry I not make it to this year's meeting, and at your own school!) and the Charles Wesley Society. He teaches at Wesley Theological Seminary in D.C. (not to be confused with Wesley Biblical Seminary or Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University, the latter of which I teach for in their online program). Dr. Danker is also the author of Wesley and the Anglicans: Political Division in Early Evangelicalism. (I encourage the purchase of the book!)
A quick note, in connection to the debates and arguments surrounding the United Methodist General Conference. I have attempted to keep the Wesleyan/Anglican Facebook page free from comments that might lead to debate. Though I have control over the Facebook page, it is designed as a group page. There are people there who hold various positions. This blog, however, is my own blog, and so the content of the blog reflects my own views.
With that in mind, I encourage you to take a look at the following two videos for "Methodist Unscripted"!
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