Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Role of Women in Ministry in the Church of the Nazarene

It is a debate in some parts of Christ's Church.  In other parts of the Church, it is settled; some on one side, and others on the other side.  It is the question of women in holy orders. 

Rome and Constantinople have said that the presbyterate is for men only.  The Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod, and the Wisconsin Synod, along with Southern Baptists are very "Roman Catholic" on this matter (Sorry, I couldn't help it!).  They agree with the Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox. 

One church that I have a great appreciation and affinity toward, the Anglican Church in North America, is in the midst of an ongoing discernment period, as to whether they will ordain women, or not, and, if so, to what orders.  Currently, there are parts of the ACNA that do not ordain women; parts that ordain them to the diaconate, only; and, parts that ordain them to the presbyterate.  Nowhere in the ACNA do women serve in the episcopate.

However, those churches in the Wesleyan-holiness tradition have settled that question, long ago.  In fact, even main-line Methodism eventually came to agree, wholeheartedly.  My denomination, the Church of the Nazarene, has ordained women since even before our official denominational organization.  That is, all of our primary parent churches ordained women from the beginning.

Recently, one of our general superintendents presented a video in which he provides a very important episcopal reminder about the role of women in ministry in the Church of the Nazarene.  I encourage you to watch this video by the Rev'd. Dr. Jesse C. Middendorf, general superintendent, emeritus.

Jesse Midenddorf on acceptability of women in ministry from Church of the Nazarene on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Todd A. Stepp said...

It is unfortunate, but it seems that this video has now been "locked." - I believe it was to be an introductory message for a class, and I guess it was only intended for those enrolled in the class. - As I said, I think that is highly unfortunate, because this message provides a good and needed reminded to all Nazarenes, as well as informs others as to who we are.