Thursday, June 24, 2021

A Prayer To Be Prayed By Those in the Wesleyan Tradition

 Here is my most recent YouTube video.  It introduces a prayer that I think is a great prayer for anyone in the Wesleyan/Methodist tradition to pray.  I would especially encourage those who are a part of the Wesleyan-Anglican Society to take this prayer up during the Daily Office.

Almighty God, in a time of great need you raised up your servants John and Charles Wesley, and by your Spirit inspired them to kindle a flame of sacred love which leaped and ran, an inextinguishable blaze.  Grant, we ask you, that all those whose hearts have been warmed at these altar fires, being continually refreshed by your grace, may be so devoted to the increase of scriptural holiness throughout the land that in this our time of great need, your will may fully and effectively be done on earth as it is in heave; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

(My YouTube channel can be found, here.)

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